Underfloor Heating Calculators

Underfloor Heating Pack Selector
Underfloor Heating Pack Selector

Simply begin answering the questions below to
find the perfect UFH pack for your project

Question 1 of 5
Tell us about your floor
New screed
New screed
Question 2 of 5
Total area to be covered
Single room/zone
Single room/zone
Multiple zones
Multiple zones
Question 3 of 5
Type of control
Select from the control options below:
Dial Stat
Dial Stat
A dial stat is a simple control system, temperature only, which can enable manual control of the underfloor heating system. Where temperature control is required, the optional extra of a timeswitch is required
Sentio Control System
Sentio Control System
A smart control system, with app, to enable advanced, remote control of the underfloor heating system. The system is time and temperature controlled.
Question 4 of 5
Tell is about your heat source
Heat Pump
Heat Pump
Question 5 of 5
How do you want to fit the system?
Staples System
Staples System
System Plates
System Plates
Low-Build Panel
Low-Build Panel
The Low-Build Panel floor system is used where underfloor heating is to be installed on concrete or timber floors and a dry finish to the floor is required, not a screed topping. The system allows floor finishes, including tiles, to be installed straight to the insulation.
Calculator needed
UFH Calculator
As your project has requirements that are more involved than we can cater for in out regular packs you will need to complete our UFH Calculator for a more bespoke approach
To the UFH Calculator
Your results:
We recommend the below pack for your project
Pack icon example products
Comfia 3-10 Wireless UFH Pack
10-100 m2
App Controlled
Low Temperature
Single Zone
Price: £ xxx.xx

How to order

To discuss where to buy the pack selected, contact the ICS team by email at or call 0800 038 3088.

This recommendation has been generated from the information provided. Please check all details carefully before placing an order.

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New screeded floor packs
Comfia packs for new floors are suitable for new build or deep renovation, where a new screeded floor will be installed. They come with 16mm pipe.

Retrofit - Low Build Existing Floor Packs
Comfia 15mm low build packs for new floors are suitable for renovation, where an underfloor heating system will be installed on an existing floor. They include 10mm pipe with 15mm pre-grooved boards.

Single Room or Zone
One room or zone packs are used where a single area is to be heated. They are available for rooms up to 100m2 and provided with one thermostat.

Multiple Heated Zones
Multiple room or zone packs are used where multiple areas are to be heated. They are available in 40-160m2 with 2-8 thermostats

If the source of heat is a boiler the pack includes a control pack to blend the high temperature output down to a temperature suitable for underfloor heating

Heat Pump
Where a heat pump is the heat source the flow temperature is lower and a blending control pack isn’t required. This reduces the cost of the underfloor heating pack

HIU - Heat Interface Unit
A HIU such as the Wavin Calefa range, commonly have a temperature control which reduces the temperature to the heat system. This means a blending control pack isn’t required

Staples System
Staple systems offer a cost effective solution for screeded floors. Simply staple the pipe to the insulation panels before the screed is applied.

This option offers flexibility of design and is a great solution for installers who want to minimise cost and are comfortable in spacing and laying out pipework.

System Plates
System plates are plastic sheets with pre-formed grips to hold the pipe in position. These are laid on top of insulation panels and hold the pipe in place before the floor is screeded.

This solution allows fast installation and ensures even spacing of the pipe. The sheets can be cut to size with a utility knife and lock together to prevent any screed ingress under the plates. The sheets can support foot traffic, so will protect the pipe if other trades are on site.